Buddhist Association
Jōdo Shinshū in Germany

Anjin-Do ALtar

Dharma centres of Jōdo Shinshū in Germany

Buddhistische Begegnungsstätte Anjin-Dō

Rev. Chishō Frank Kobs
Oberheydener Strasse 71
41236 Mönchengladbach
E-mail: Anjin-Do [at] t-online.de

Berliner Sangha

Rev. Kōgyō Ilona Evers
Friedrich – Franz –Str. 19
12103 Berlin
Tel.: 030 – 75707161
E-mail: ilona.evers [at] web.de


Rev. Jōtoku Th.Moser
Edelweißstr. 5
83435 Bad Reichenhall
Tel. 08651/65114
E-mail: shindo-th-moser [at] t-online.de

Other Addresses (outside BGJ-D):
EKŌ Gemeinschaft (at EKŌ temple, Düsseldorf)

Rev. Jōchi Marc Nottelmann-Feil
Brüggener Weg 6, 40547 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 0211/ 577918-0
Fax: 0211/ 577918-224
E-Mail: nottelmann [at] eko-haus.de

Membership in BGJ-D

Sanmon - Bergtor

The BGJ-D (Buddhist Association Jodo Shinshu, Germany) is a registered and tax-exempt association. Its general meeting takes place in the second quarter of every year.

The membership fee is at present:

15 euro for single members
28 for couple

In exceptional cases it is possible to apply for a reduced membership fee.
Priests are exempt from the membership fee.

membership application formDownload



Marcus Cumberlege: In a Nutshell. Shin Buddhist Poems (Brugge: Meyfroodt-Productions, 2009)

Other recommendable works by Marcus Cumberleges are: JAIA (2005), The White Lady (2007), Leaves Painted Gold (2009) und Selected Poems (2010)

You can order the publications by sending an e-mail to
E-Mail: nottelmann [at] eko-haus.de
Bei allen Bestellungen berechnen wir eine Pauschale von 3 € für die Versandkosten.

Shinshū Magazine

The Shinshū Magazine is BGJ-D's monthly newletter. To enter the mailing list please contact:

E-mail: shindo-th-moser [at] t-online.de

Bank account

Jodo Shinshu Deutschland (BGJ-D) e.V.
Sparkasse Berchtesgadener Land
IBAN: DE33710500000000388819

Please always mention the purpose of the transaction!